Wednesday, March 25, 2015

hello, i live in holmes county ohio. i have a daughter that will be two next month and one that just turned one. there dad and i are married...


hello, i live in holmes county ohio. i have a daughter that will be two next month and one that just turned one. there dad and i are married but have been seperated for over 6 months . i used to live in west virginia (where he currently resides) but after seperation i moved to ohio. i was driving the kids 2 and a half hours to west virginia every other week. i would give him one kid and then switch the next time. we continued this for a while until one day i said iwanted to have both the kids for a little bit because they are sisters and havent seen each other in months. i told him i will continue to switch kids with you after they have some time together. after that he wouldnt give me my other daughter back. so i filed custody and had an initial hearing today. the judge set a trial date for about 6 weeks from now. he ordered him to have them for a month and then me until trial. he has current charges pending for malicious assault and delivery of a controlled substance and has had prior domestics in the past along with a very long record of arrests in the past. my record is clean. i will not be able to get a lawyer for trial and i need to bring witnesses and evidence but cant get anything solid. ive raised and love my daughters from day one. he has never changed a diaper, made a bottle, given baths, etc.. i also dont know if he is the father of the first but dont know how to go about getting a paternity test. please help i have no idea what to do.


It is unclear to me whether your case was filed in Ohio or West Virginia. It was filed in Ohio than as an Ohio attorney I might be able to provide you with some guidance. But if it was filed in West Virginia I did not have all licensed to practice law in that state and cannot help you.

Regardless of where the case was filed many law schools have legal clinics which offer pro bono legal services in the subject of family law. For instance capital universities legal clinic does this sort of thing on a very regular basis. Further there may be a local legal aid Society in your area and these organizations can help you free of charge.

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