Wednesday, March 18, 2015

How much information should I include when submitting my initial appeal for unemployment in TN?


How much information should I include when submitting my initial appeal for unemployment in TN?


This is a more difficult question to answer than it may seem. The reason for this is that you need to tell a complete story, but not go into "extraneous" details. It is also important to know whether you are defending an intentional misconduct charge or prosecuting a constructive discharge issue.

As a general rule of thumb, you need to submit all of the information relevant to why you are not working at the employer's business today. In most cases (but not all), this is not going to include complaints about what happened in the workplace 3 months ago, but is going to focus on the exact events leading up to the termination.

It is also important to know where you are in the process. If you are before the Appeals Tribunal, this is the place to put in all of your evidence. If you do not, there may never be another opportunity to do so. By contrast, if you are making the initial claim, you still need to tell a whole story, but there is less risk if you leave something out because you can appeal the decision to the Appeals Tribunal.

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