Sunday, March 15, 2015

I am a director at a company and after 10 months of employment , my company is requiring that I sign a contract providing 3 months notice at...


I am a director at a company and after 10 months of employment , my company is requiring that I sign a contract providing 3 months notice at the point of resignation. Any way out of signing?


Generally speaking, New York is an employment at will state which means that a company can dismiss any employee for any reason as long as it is not discriminatory or against other laws. At the same time, an employee can resign for any reason and at any time. Therefore, an employee who does not have an employment agreement is an employee at will

Provided you do not have an existing employment agreement, by not signing a proposed agreement the company could possibly choose to dismiss you. At the same time, when the company is asking you to sign the agreement, in effect they are asking you to sign a type of employment agreement.

The general recommended course of action for executive employees, including directors, is to have an attorney review any employment agreements.

I can assist with this matter. Please contact me at your earliest convenience.

Roman R. Fichman, Esq. │ @TheLegalist

email: Info (@) TheLegalists (dot) com

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