Friday, March 20, 2015

I'm currently 38 week pregnant, the baby's father has not asked about the baby the whole nine months and if it weren't for me, he wouldn't k...


I'm currently 38 week pregnant, the baby's father has not asked about the baby the whole nine months and if it weren't for me, he wouldn't know the sex, the name, or any other information about the baby. I've tried to involve him but he doesn't show he wants to be , he just say he wants to be. I've heard that if I don't call him as soon as I go into labor that I would look bad trying to receive child support and maybe even custody of my son if I have to, is this true . Do I have to call him as soon as I go into labor, or can I wait until after I have the baby to tell him his son is born. He said he would like to be called when I go into labor but he never asks about his son or even asks if the drs appts have been going good .


Heard from who? What's their Pennsylvania Supreme Court ID? Calling him has zilch to do with child support? What counts is if he's the father or not? As to child custody you can look up the factors that the courts look at but what it comes down to is what custody plan will serve the best interest of the child. Good luck perhaps once the fathersees the reality of the child he'll step up to being a dad.


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