Sunday, March 1, 2015

I had a judgement against me for an accident with a DUI and had to have sr-22 insurance in which i completed 2 years ago, but because the la...


I had a judgement against me for an accident with a DUI and had to have sr-22 insurance in which i completed 2 years ago, but because the law firm didn't report the judgement until a year ago, I have to do sr-22 insurance for another 2 years. Is there anything I can do to prevent this. The law firm also suspended my license for missing one payment and then kept accepting payments afterwards. I was also passed over for a promotion because of this. I was wondering if I had a case? Thanks


The "law firm" you mention sounds like a collection law firm. If you missed a payment, they have the right to report that to the DMV. However, if you communicate with them, they will usually work with you before that happens. YOU have to be proactive when it comes to your listen. The DMV doesn't care about anybody and they tend to make up rules that suit them. As far as a "case", I'm not sure against who you mean, but if I were you, I would start explaining the situation with the DMV to see if there is anything they can do.

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