Wednesday, March 25, 2015

I've had primary custody of my 3 children since April of 2010. In July of 2011, the boys and I relocated from SC to VA. Their mother stayed ...


I've had primary custody of my 3 children since April of 2010. In July of 2011, the boys and I relocated from SC to VA. Their mother stayed in SC. In May of 2012, she filed for custody to be reversed. We went to court in SC, and I retained primary custody. In addition, I was awarded child support which was not previously being paid. The order came down in October of 2013 but was not stamped and filed until January of 2014. I asked the mother when to expect a payment because the order called for support to begin in November of 2013 and she said none was coming. She said she is filing another motion with the court in SC. Does she owe the money from the previous order regardless of what motion she files next, and can I pursue the money through the VA court system or do I need to go back through the SC system?

Thank you.


Yes,. she owes from the date the support was ordered to begin (irrespective of

whatever motions she may have in mind to file).

And, you could proceed to enforce this support order by going directly to

the court in South Carolina which has jrurisdiction over the matter for enforcement or by making application through Virginia's Division of Support Enforcement (DCSE) for such enforcement

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