Monday, March 9, 2015

I have 3 children whom are all under the age of 18. They all have the same father. I recently tried to collect child support. WE have never ...


I have 3 children whom are all under the age of 18. They all have the same father. I recently tried to collect child support. WE have never been married, however, the child support established was under the umbrella as if we were married. The child support order has been quashed. (In the court room, he argued the children were not his.) Even though they ARE, and he half the time provides. How can I take him to pay child support. The Prosecutor's office said I would have to establish paternity. I've looked on the site and was unsuccessful in locating papers to file to establish paternity.


The Prosecutor's office should pursue this for you and your children. If not, a private attorney should be able to do it for you. Do not try this on your home if you want it done right.

Good luck.

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