Thursday, March 19, 2015

I have been renting my place for a couple years with the promise from my landlord to get things fixed. He had other tenants to do patch work...


I have been renting my place for a couple years with the promise from my landlord to get things fixed. He had other tenants to do patch work. And I still continued to pay being as tho it was my first place on my own and I didn't know my rights. When they would call for rent money, I pay anyway even tho the place needed major repairs I did not want an eviction. Last year I had enough with failed promises when things in my part of the house got worse. They were fined for the faulty property and was demanded to make repairs. Since then my lease hasn't been renewed but he still let me stay. Now the property is put on lean and I'm constantly being called for a year plus for back rent. Can they do that? And the building still has unlivable conditions.


You need to give you LL notice under the lease of the various issues and give him an opportunity to repair. If he does not ESCROW any withheld rent. You will need to post it if it comes to an eviction with the court clerk. The court will conduct a hearing as to the condition of the premises. You should get an abatement. I would suggest you have the local authorities re inspect the place when you start withholding rent. That would be additional evidence I would also take photos.

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