Wednesday, March 25, 2015

I have had people take my picture and post it on the web and other people now try to find me so they can take a picture of me. I have store ...


I have had people take my picture and post it on the web and other people now try to find me so they can take a picture of me. I have store employees and managers follow me though stores. Store Managers telling employees I have AIDS so cashiers are afraid to take my money for fear of being touched. Neighbor [ my landlords sister ] telling lawn man stories about so they don't come back. The current lawn man recently said something to me that I have only told my Care coordinator. There is of course more to this but I need to know what if anything I can do legally.


Cases involving invasion of privacy and unauthorized use of information or images, over the internet, are technically difficult to pursue. You would need to consult with an attorney who specializes in the area of privacy invasion and identity theft.

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