Friday, March 13, 2015

I have a preliminary protective order against my husband. A hearing on that order is scheduled in a week. For various reasons, I would like ...


I have a preliminary protective order against my husband. A hearing on that order is scheduled in a week. For various reasons, I would like the order to be dissolved. (Long story.) When I asked the court to do so, they told me to wait until the hearing. Questions: What happens if I don't show up at the hearing? Does the order just cease to exist? Am I in contempt of court? Can the judge decide to extend the order on her own discretion? (The proceeding for the original order was ex parte, and I'm assuming here that my husband will show.) If I want the order to simply stop, does it make more sense to go to the hearing or to not go?


The former option (in my opinion) should better serve your stated objective rather

than your failing to appear for this scheduled hearing.

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