Wednesday, March 11, 2015

I married an American woman in 2008. After the birth of a child , the marriage broke down and we got divorce in the state of Missouri in 201...


I married an American woman in 2008. After the birth of a child , the marriage broke down and we got divorce in the state of Missouri in 2011 through mutual consent. The child is being looked after by both of us as per the terms of the divorce judgement.

Now the problem is ,my ex-wife is not allowing me to take my child to India even for very short visits.Her apprehension is that if the child is not brought back from India after the possible visit to India, she has no legal claim in India since both the marriage and divorce took place in USA.

Now she is seeking the endorsement of the divorce judgement of the US court in a competent court of law in India so that she has legal claim in India in case of some possible trouble.

Can that judgement of the US court on the divorce be endorsed in a court in India? If so,what is the procedure?


This question should be directed to an attorney licensed to practice in that part of India. Often judgments are recorded or registered in other places. Only someone licensed in that other place can tell you whether a judgment could be recorded or registered in that order place.

Good luck

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