Wednesday, March 11, 2015

I replied to an Ad on Craigslist about making 10-15,000 for being arm candy and more for high paying clients. I never ever have thought abou...


I replied to an Ad on Craigslist about making 10-15,000 for being arm candy and more for high paying clients. I never ever have thought about it until I got in a financial bind and thought it was going to be glamorous. I showed up at this ghetto shady place and the place terrified me so I left crying. There was a car that followed me for a mile then drove past me. Then they continued to text me after I left. If those were cops making the ad, would i be in trouble for replying? I didn't do anything other than text this random number a few times and sit in the parking lot. is that enough for me to be in trouble?


Probably not. However, just because you didn't do anything wrong does not mean the police can't arrest you.

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