Sunday, March 1, 2015

I was in the car with my boyfriend when he got pulled over I had asked the police why we were stopped they said because my bf had a warrant ...


I was in the car with my boyfriend when he got pulled over I had asked the police why we were stopped they said because my bf had a warrant for his arrest. What's my boyfriend was put into the back of a police car I got out of the car police put me into handcuffs. They proceeded to ask me what my name was and if I have ever been in trouble I responded with my name and I had answered no I had never been in trouble and yet I still remained in handcuffs at this point. They proceeded to ask me if they can search the vehicle I responded with no they may not send it to me that they were going to tow the vehicle if I did not consent to search. The vehicle wasn't mine it was a friend so I didn't want it to be impounded so I agreed to let then search the vehicle. But I told him that they did not have permission to search my purse. They process my purse without my permission and inside my purse they found $13,570 dollars. And confiscated the money and told me that if I wanted my money back that


You need to speak with an attorney on the phone or in person rather than spill your guts here in an internet forum.

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