Wednesday, March 11, 2015

I was involved in a car collision in which the other person was at fault, because she came into my lane and hit my car. however, I left the ...


I was involved in a car collision in which the other person was at fault, because she came into my lane and hit my car. however, I left the scene, because I didn't know the protocol when accident is on a freeway and I was afraid of the other driver. I found out from my insurance company, that the other driver stopped and reported to the Highway Patrol Officer. I have been charged with "Hit & Run/Leaving the scene of an accident" and "Unlawful Lane Change", because of my actions. My question is, should I plead guilty or not guilty, especially in the unlawful lane change charge? and if I plead not guilty, will I have to go to trial? and what is the penalty or fine for pleading guilty?


You need to consult an attorney in person immediately. Hit & Run is a serious traffic offense in Georgia, you should never even consider pleading guilty to it in court without first securing legal representation. You are facing a potential jail sentence, and immediate driver's license suspension if you plead or or found guilty.

It sounds like your case has issues that merit attention from the judge and prosecutor. Your case will only get the attention it deserves if you seek legal assistance.

Please call if you would like representation in this case.


Good Luck.

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