Thursday, March 12, 2015

I was raped in a foster home when I was about 5. The trauma has caused me multiple visits to psych hospitals my whole life. At one point I w...


I was raped in a foster home when I was about 5. The trauma has caused me multiple visits to psych hospitals my whole life. At one point I was told by a few people that I could sue the state of California because I was under their protection when it happened. I'd like to know if that is true and if so, how to go about getting that process started.


For starters, the general statute of limitations for legal action against the tortfeasor / rapist expires/expired no later than your 26th birthday. Plus, any action against the state requires filing a timely Govt Tort Claim within no more than a year of reaching 18, at the max.

If you are within those time limits to take appropriate action, then feel free to contact me to discuss the facts, evidence, witnesses, provable damages, and other issues of the potential case.

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