Wednesday, March 25, 2015

If me and my 3 siblings inherit a vacation home and 3 of us want to keep and us it but 1 of us don't want it, can that 1 sibling force the o...


If me and my 3 siblings inherit a vacation home and 3 of us want to keep and us it but 1 of us don't want it, can that 1 sibling force the others to buy him or her out even if they don't have the money to do it?


A co-owner may legally force a sale of property, and oftentimes if other co-owners want to keep the property they have no choice except to "buy out." However, if a co-owner who wants out doesn't try to force a sale they generally won't be able to force payment.

While I hope the general information in this post helps it doesn't try to offer legal advice specific to your situation. You're encouraged to seek legal counsel to review any issues with joint ownership of a particular piece of property.

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