Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Ive been married for 14 years and want a divorce. We have 2 children ages 6 and 14 and . We have been living in a house my mother has owned ...


Ive been married for 14 years and want a divorce. We have 2 children ages 6 and 14 and . We have been living in a house my mother has owned and its the same house Ive lived in since birth. All the children's grandparents live in the same school district and we prefer to stay in the same area. My question is do we have to sell the house since we've lived there since we got married or is it not a factor since its only in my moms name. I really want to stay living there and have her move out and we split time with the kids. I dont want to have the property affected at all.Again this house has always been in my moms name and never in mine or my spouses though we have lived there for 14 to 15 years


Just based on the information you have given it would seem that the house is not marital property as it does not belong to either of you, but to your mom. Therefore it will not be divided in a divorce. If there is a lease or rental agreement that may be an issue though as to who can remain in the home.

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