Friday, March 13, 2015

My childrens father moved with my children to another state without notifying me. His neighbor told me that he moved 2 weeks ago. He has sol...


My childrens father moved with my children to another state without notifying me. His neighbor told me that he moved 2 weeks ago. He has sole custody and visitation was by mutual agreement. I had stopped going to visits because he wouldnt let me have visits anywhere but his house and he would slap my butt and make inappropriate comments and offer me money for sex despite me repeatedly telling him to stop. He has no phone as far as I know so I dont know where they are or how to contact them. According to court orders he has to .notify me 45 days prior to a move to allow time for mediation for visitation. What do I need to do now? Notify police or go to the courthouse on monday?


The courts will be closed Monday due to a court holiday. File a police report if your ex failed to provide a new phone number and address where he moved preventing you from exercising your visitation. File an ex parte request with the family law court for the children's return to California and placement in your custodial care until further court order. Time is of the essence on taking action.

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