Thursday, March 19, 2015

My sibling who is currently 16 years old has just revealed in our family that our moms boyfriend of 10 years molested them when they was 8. ...


My sibling who is currently 16 years old has just revealed in our family that our moms boyfriend of 10 years molested them when they was 8. My mom wanted a polygraph done originally, but is now aware that he will potentially be jailed and that defax will take my sibiling away (she said her attorney stated this). We are not concerned with him being jailed but will DHS really take my sibiling? This individual still has a year until they finish high school at least so we are trying to play the situation smart and i have a few months until I turn 21.

My mother has basically sided with her boyfriend and we fear she has only said that because trying to scare us into saying we do not want it done.


Molested them (who? ... your brother(s), your sister(s)?)

It needs to be reported to the police ASAP

Child molestation is a serious crime and other children may have also been molested in the past and might be in the future

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