Sunday, March 15, 2015

What do I do if my boss asks me to commit a crime? I have no intention of doing it, I have ignored the request so far. However I know this i...


What do I do if my boss asks me to commit a crime? I have no intention of doing it, I have ignored the request so far. However I know this is going to come up soon and feel my only choice is to go to the police and the action I will certainly lose my job. Is there anything i can to to be compensated,


The problem that you are having is not something that could be resolved by a simple answer on this website. It is best that you make an appointment with an employment law attorney as soon as possible so that you may get proper advice. Best wishes


First, don't commit the crime. Second, you should be sure that you are on firm ground as to whether there is a crime involved at all. For that purpose, I agree with Mr. Wade. If you don't know an employment lawyer in your area, you can call the Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service. Tell them that you want a consultation with an employment lawyer who handles CEPA cases.

See also:

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