Sunday, April 26, 2015

I am getting ready to sign a Residential Lease Agreement. The lease states, "Landlord will provide septic service and septic repairs if nece...


I am getting ready to sign a Residential Lease Agreement. The lease states, "Landlord will provide septic service and septic repairs if necessary. Tenant will pay for pumping the septic should it be required." This does not seem correct, as if the septic needs pumping, it could be because of the past tenants as well. What does California Landlord/Tenant laws say about this?


The law requires the landlord to provide sanitary sewer disposal. The law ends there. Whether the landlord builds that expense and risk of needed repairs into the rent or sets up a separate charge structure as he or she sees fit is up to them. The tenants always pay the cost of repairs and maintenance one way or another. If you don't like the arrangement by which your landlord allocates the expenses, you'll have to find another place to rent.

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