Monday, April 27, 2015

I currently have a petition in for custody with my grandson, my stepdaughter lost custody four times. The Grandmother has custody right now ...


I currently have a petition in for custody with my grandson, my stepdaughter lost custody four times. The Grandmother has custody right now and we went to court today after a year and they want us to talk to a mediator next month. My stepdaughter and her mother-in-law who has the current custody do not get along over the last 2 years. I think that is reason for the mediator since the judge did not make a decision today. My question is since this is a problem between the two and my home would be a neutral site, I would like to have my Grandson here, I previously had custody of him before. What do I do and say to make sure I have a shot at custody with the mediator? thanks


You should hire a laywer, have that lawyer draft up a plan and then execute that plan. Call me anytime at 732/773/2768


you need a lawyer. give me a call.

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