Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Mom was buried 2/5/2014. Can I be forced to allow sisters to strip my home of her personal items and not honor my request to wait for respec...


Mom was buried 2/5/2014. Can I be forced to allow sisters to strip my home of her personal items and not honor my request to wait for respectable period of mourning?


If you live in a dwelling unit which only you have the right to occupy, no one can enter without your permission. If your mother had a will, the terms of that document should indicate who has rights to her belongings. If your mom had no will, you and your siblings will have to agree. You should make a list of mom's property in your possession and form an understanding with your siblings as to who gets what, and don't let anyone in unless they are going to behave themselves. As a last resort, you can always call the police.

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