Monday, April 27, 2015

I am unfortunately fighting a custody battle pro se. My problem is the father's attorney has been just this side of ethical throughout, howe...


I am unfortunately fighting a custody battle pro se. My problem is the father's attorney has been just this side of ethical throughout, however his legal assistant crossed the line by going on a social media page and blasting out very specific yet untrue allegations about me and went so far as to invite "anyone with questions to feel free to contact her". Now I don't know whether to tell the judge or just report her to the disciplinary committee . Also this attorney had been suspended once already for deceitful practices.


Based upon what you described, you may need to do both. The disciplinary committee only regulates the attorney, not staff. But, the attorney us responsible for the actions of their staff. The Court may only address the attorney's action, (or inaction), as well. You need to take steps to mitigate the damages to you on your relationship with your child. You say that you're chosen to go Pro Se thus far. It may be time to consult directly with an attorney and perhaps retain one.

Good luck

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