Monday, January 20, 2014

I own a co op and today was yearly fire inspection provided by a company and required by fire marshal. On this day, I let in the inspector a...


I own a co op and today was yearly fire inspection provided by a company and required by fire marshal. On this day, I let in the inspector and when I turned around a board member came walking in. She began to look around questioning me on my home and I asked her to leave and she refused. I don't think this was an option for her to enter without me letting her in nor was it an option for her to stay when asked to leave.


She committed trespass to realty. This is a breach of the proprietary lease. You can sue for this, though it's hard to predict how little you will recover. I would not take this case on a contingent fee basis, though I would not doubt that you have a valid lawsuit.

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