Monday, January 20, 2014

My daughter has a background check for a licensing exam being held up do to legal issues she has had in the past although she has no reporte...


My daughter has a background check for a licensing exam being held up do to legal issues she has had in the past although she has no reported convictions.

What can we do to free this up since it has been over 30 days


If by 'no reported convictions' you mean she had a conviction expunged, this is not going to 'clear up', as the conviction still exists on her record and was supposed to be fully disclosed by her to the licensing agency. Failure to do so is 'perjury' and 'resume fraud' which will likely result in licensing denial by the agency.

If you mean that there is some actual 'error' in the record, then an attorney may be able to help correct and clear the problem through the court or with the reporting service.

If you want to hire counsel to help, feel free to contact me.

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