Saturday, January 4, 2014

Okay, here goes. So a few mnths back on labor day weekend i was arrested for petty theft, fake id, and battery on a leo. All felony chrges, ...


Okay, here goes. So a few mnths back on labor day weekend i was arrested for petty theft, fake id, and battery on a leo. All felony chrges, got released, wrote the deputy an apology letter and my chrges got reduced to misdemeanors. Ive been having s.o.r. every week and when i wemt to court the state said they were dropping my charges. However my final court date for that wasnt until january 7th. I gave into peer pressure the other night and my friend and I got caught shoplifting on black friday. I realize s.o.r. is a second chance to get you out of jail. My question is, thursday when i go in and tell my s.o.r. person that i got arrested what will happen to me? Also, will it effect my other charges being dropped? Thanks in advance fir your help!


Not sure what "s.o.r." is but it sounds like a pretrial diversion program. If that is the case, then you will probably be kicked out of the diversion program and have to go back to court. Needless to say, you need to get an attorney to help you with BOTH charges.

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