Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A mess of a lawsuit. My sister put a false stalking order and other matters me. We have the information and looking for perjury on her as sh...


A mess of a lawsuit. My sister put a false stalking order and other matters me. We have the information and looking for perjury on her as she made a false complaint. We have the witnesses to support this. We also have a Probate issue on my dad's estate to overturn the will that she forged signatures on documents to obtain the money.

I only have a certain amount of funds to go after her and once that runs out it's over.

Which are the most important aspects of the above to obtain.


If you are involved in a criminal stalking matter that requires your attention. The probate matter is very difficult and will be costly to obtain handwriting experts. Discuss all matters with an attorney to sort through them

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