Wednesday, March 5, 2014

I need some help documenting or exploring what my options are when the other parent makes disparaging remarks about me. She just got served ...


I need some help documenting or exploring what my options are when the other parent makes disparaging remarks about me. She just got served for custody modification last week. Since she was served, my daughters (4, 7, and 9) have told me that "Mom tells us you are taking her to court and are moving us away." In the past few months, she has also told the kids that "she loves me and wants us to be a family again." This is extremely difficult for me as I don't like talking bad about their mother. I tried to ignore it, but they have asked me twice already. The only response I can think of is that "Daddy loves you girls and wants the best for you" followed by "we are not moving anywhere" (we both live in the same school zone).

On a side note, sorry I am posting this here. I'm already on a limited budget and wanted to get an idea of what can be done to prevent this before I contact my lawyer. Thanks for your help.


You need to talk to your attorney.

I always recommend that a parent take the high road. Even if she bad-mouths you, you should not say anything against her. It puts the kids in the middle & that is not fair since they love both of you. It appears that you are trying to answer their questions without getting into details -- good!

You cannot record any conversations between the kids and their mom. You can record conversations between mom and you.

It is often difficult to prove "disparaging" remarks.

I hope this helps.

Good luck!

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