Thursday, March 20, 2014

How do I adopt a child who has been in my custody for more than four years. I am not the biological father, but the birth mother left him wi...


How do I adopt a child who has been in my custody for more than four years. I am not the biological father, but the birth mother left him with me with a letter signed by her to give me the right to make choices for him. He is eight years old.


It does not appear that you have legal custody signed by a judge for this child.

Since the child has been in your home for over 6 months, you have legal standing to go to court and ask for custody of this child. It sounds like the mother voluntarily left the child with you which will help your case.

Adopting this child is certainly an option too. You need to meet with an attorney in person and discuss your options.

I recommend attorney Patricia Bushman at 713-807-9405. Her first appointment is free.

She takes payment plans. I rent space in her office. I only mediate these days.

You can also look on this website for an attorney or

Thank you for taking this child into your home & loving this child.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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