Thursday, March 20, 2014

What can I do i if sexual harassment retaliation and my supervisors blatant refusal to rectify a safety hazard, lead to my Permanent disabil...


What can I do i if sexual harassment retaliation and my supervisors blatant refusal to rectify a safety hazard, lead to my Permanent disability?


More facts are needed. It is unlawful to retaliate against an employee who complaints - in good faith - about being sexually harassed in the workplace. If you were injured on the job, you can file a workers' compensation claim. If you believe that you were retaliated against after complaining about sexual harassment in good faith, call an employment law attorney to discuss the facts. If you were injured on the job in the course and scope of your employment, call a workers' compensation attorney to discuss.


I'm not sure how sexual harassment or company retaliation can credibly be claimed to lead to 'permanent disability' unless there is serious physical injury involved, but IF you can prove the harassment and/or the retaliation against you for reporting it, then you have grounds for a case of 'discrimination', during which you will be able to try to prove your damages. Consult with local attorneys experienced in employment discrimination law. If you can't find one, feel free to contact me. I've been doing these cases for many years.

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