Friday, March 7, 2014

I am in the midst of a custody/visitation battle. We were never married and a G.A.L has been appointed. What can I do to ensure that I attai...


I am in the midst of a custody/visitation battle. We were never married and a G.A.L has been appointed. What can I do to ensure that I attain Sole custody of my daughter? My ex is an alcoholic and that is why I left him. My daughter is 1 year old and my ex is not making any effort to see her, only relying on his "rights" as a father and doing only bare minimum of everything. My question is this...what can I provide the court/my lawyer to ensure that there is NO joint parenting/custody and that any visitation he has is supervised. I have 2 police reports on him, what else I can use?


This is very simple. Make an appointment to discuss this with your attorney.

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