Friday, March 7, 2014

My fiance and I split after living together for 6 years. He left the home we shared. I allowed him to come whenever to get any property he n...


My fiance and I split after living together for 6 years. He left the home we shared. I allowed him to come whenever to get any property he needed. After a month or so I was asked to leave the house we shared due to landlord needing it for her family member. So now Ive moved into a smaller home and he never got all of his belongings. I've asked him several times to pick it up even gave him the last day I'd b at our old house. I still have a shed at my old house that I put all his stuff in but he refuses to pick up or even respond to my requests of getting the rest of his stuff. Do I have to move his things to my new house? I of course kept out anything that was important documents etc but the rest is just crap he said he wanted to take but he left the home 4 months ago he's had ample time to get everything and now he's ignoring my request to pick up the rest of his stuff. I live in CA. So my question is, do i have to take his junk to my new home? Thank you in advance for your time.


If you don't give him a reasonable opportunity to collect his belongings, he may be able to sue you for their value. There is a process that you can follow to deal with his stuff to protect yourself. It may also be possible that a court might consider what you have done already to be sufficient, but that would be impossible to say without a detailed review.

There is a landlord tenant guide at the department of consumer affairs website that includes a detailed description of what to do when a tenant leaves property behind.

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