Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Today I was at Walmart and was accused of theft in The 5th degree, although I had not left the store and had given the 34 dollars worth of m...


Today I was at Walmart and was accused of theft in The 5th degree, although I had not left the store and had given the 34 dollars worth of merchandize back to the clerk when asked, they did call the police but I was not arrested just given a paper saying when to appear in court. I have no priors of any kind, not even a parking ticket. So I have no clue as to what to plead, or what to even do, since I have never been in court for any reason. Any advice would be great.


There are many variables that will influence the outcome and the course that you should take, such as the county, the judge, the prosecutor, the evidence and your own strengths and weaknesses. A theft charge can be on your record for life and could affect potential employment in the future. I'd suggest you talk to a local attorney about the situation. There may be an option to allow you to keep this off your record.

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