Friday, May 23, 2014

Enter your question here...what will happen if i am put on probation and never go to my scheduled visits or pay my fines.


Enter your question here...what will happen if i am put on probation and never go to my scheduled visits or pay my fines.


A warrant gets issued for your arrest and you probably serve your sentence in jail.


Very Simple, the probation officer will ask for a warrant from the Judge, he will sign it. Your probation will be tolled (delayed) until you are found, and then you will spend your sentence (likely 12 months for a traffic offense unless there are multiple offences) in Jail. Unless you have some kind of amazing reason, like you were incarcerated somewhere else for the entire time you were on probation, or you were hospitalized for the entire time.

I hope that helps, even if it's bad news. But I also hope it serves as a deterrent (warning) to others. Go to your probation officer when scheduled, even if you can't afford to pay!

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