Monday, May 26, 2014

My ex is out of work and have not received child support.Should he have to pay using his pension ,he also received money from his father lif...


My ex is out of work and have not received child support.Should he have to pay using his pension ,he also received money from his father life insurance.


Assuming you have previously obtained a Court Support Order, there are steps you may take to enforce the Order and collect support if your ex has recently failed to comply. The Support Enforcement Services is a part of the Judicial Branch that helps parents enforce and modify their child support orders. You may also choose to hire a private attorney to help you with this matter.

Child support may be collecting through different methods, if payments are not being made after a court has issued an order. The court may find the non-custodial parent to be in contempt if they have willfully failed to obey the court order. If the parent is found to be in contempt they may be ordered to pay a lump sum of money. They may also be incarcerated until a certain sum of money is paid.

If you have any further questions regarding Family Law in Connecticut, please contact Joseph C. Maya, Esq. at (203) 221-3100 or e-mail him directly at [email protected]/* */

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