Friday, May 23, 2014

We would like to install window guards for child saftey on the interior side of the windows in our condo. The HOA is debating not allowing u...


We would like to install window guards for child saftey on the interior side of the windows in our condo. The HOA is debating not allowing us to do so (currently the board is discussing/researching if they will allow it). Is there anything that says they can/can't allow these? It is not in their CC&R's that you cannot have window guards and the only thing remotely close is that they have discretion over window treatments (must be white or tan/neutral color when viewed from the outside). This is something we'd like for child safety.


I don't know why you asked them to start with, since it is on the inside of your property where they have no authority. Now that you have invited them to meddle, work it out as best you can to avoid having to 'disobey' a ruling on this and risk them then taking action to prevent you from doing it.

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