Thursday, May 22, 2014

In April 2014 my spouse filed for divorce which is totally uncontested ( Divorce by deposition). June 3 had spousal support hearing where my...


In April 2014 my spouse filed for divorce which is totally uncontested ( Divorce by deposition). June 3 had spousal support hearing where my spouse has been denied spousal support. My spouse has filed all the correct documents and paid for service process by sheriff. However the procedure was done out of order. On the same day my spouse filed the complaint of divorce, then filed the witness and plaintiff deposition, then on the case information there is a notice of taking deposition, and a notice of filing depo and decree. I was served the complaint of divorce by sheriff on July 3, 2014 after the court was notified I've never been served. Since I've been served should it show up on the circuit court case information site that I've been served? Everything in the complaint of divorce is correct and there are no issues regarding any support, children, or property, nor with what's in the proposed decree. Is there any need for me to file a response? If so do I just file an answer saying that I agree to all terms set forth and file it with the clerk at the court?


Something doesn't add up. How could there have been a spousal support hearing when you had not yet been served; the court could not have jurisdiction over you unless you had been served. Need more information.

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