Saturday, June 21, 2014

Prior to our divorce, by applying several credit cards on his name and not paying for them, my ex-husband accumulated huge credit card debts...


Prior to our divorce, by applying several credit cards on his name and not paying for them, my ex-husband accumulated huge credit card debts. Only his name is on these credit cards. After our divorce, the court awarded each party the debts. The court also awarded me our residence (the house). An Abstract of Judgment was recorded after the date of the divorce but before I recorded the Deed. Can the creditor that placed the Abstract of Judgment ask me to pay my ex-husband's credit card debts? We both live in California.


You state that the family court "awarded each party the debts." Did he list the judgment creditor as a community debt? If that is the case, your divorce judgment makes you equally responsible for the debt.

If you don't believe you are responsible for the debt, you will need to file civil complaint to remove the cloud on your title. Bankruptcy is also an option depending on the level of unsecured debt you have.

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