Monday, June 2, 2014

Will I be able to rent after completing a deed in lieu of foreclosure? I can't afford my house due to a long period of unemployment. My loan...


Will I be able to rent after completing a deed in lieu of foreclosure? I can't afford my house due to a long period of unemployment. My loan was modified, but I am still underwater (I owe almost 200% of what my home is worth).


There is no legal standard for a background check that a landlord does when looking at rental applicants. Some landlords manage their own rentals, and some hire licensed agents and companies to do it. Some landlords are cheap and rely on unlicensed people to do it who typically do things poorly.

Some landlords will ask for a credit report, and only look for reported evictions. I have done background checks on prospective tenants for landlord clients and focus on whether the tenant has a history of being a problem tenant for other landlords by reviewing court records.

So my answer to you is that you probably will not have problems renting unless you want to rent from a very picky high end landlord.

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