Friday, July 25, 2014

I am 16 years old and am wondering what legal action should be taken for me to change who my legal guardian is. I live with my mother who ha...


I am 16 years old and am wondering what legal action should be taken for me to change who my legal guardian is. I live with my mother who has uncontrollable anger management issues and fights with me and my grandmother all the time. she threatens to throw me out of the house all the time even though i never do anything she always blames me for every thing. I am a minor and know that legal action should be taken but i don't know what to do. I would like to live with a friend of the family who would take good care of me but i don't know what to do. I'm only a minor and don't know what legal action should be taken.


Short version is that you could attempt to have a legal adult request a guardianship (either temporary or long term -- you have less than a 2-year window), See Or you could conceivably seek emancipation, although that is a pretty tough test requiring your stated ability to self-support.

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