Friday, July 25, 2014

I have lived with my boyfriend since 1994. We have a 15 year old son and are getting ready to separate. We built a house together 5 years ag...


I have lived with my boyfriend since 1994. We have a 15 year old son and are getting ready to separate. We built a house together 5 years ago but it is all in his name. Do I have any rights as far as the house is concerned?


Wow. Great question....

The answer is: probably. There are a lot of factors that go into things such as this. Because you were never married, we need to look at different statutes and case law to determine what, if any, ownership rights you have. Typically there are factors that need to be taken into account. These include: did you help make the down payment, did you help pay the mortgage, did you help with the utilities or any other way financially?

So you probably do have some rights. On the flip side, because you were never married, your boyfriend has NO rights regarding visitation, custody or any other issue with your son... unless of course you went to court already and gave them to him. Feel free to call or email. Our website is

Good luck!

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