Monday, July 28, 2014

I've been taking care of my boyfriends son for 2 yrs now. His mother has been away for those years due to her drug addiction and her own per...


I've been taking care of my boyfriends son for 2 yrs now. His mother has been away for those years due to her drug addiction and her own personal decision to not contact or check on her son. My boyfriend doesn't receive child support ... yet. She just popped back in his life this past week and while having him she told him that he isn't allowed to call me "katie mom" which he started called me on his own (I'm also the mother of his baby brother). Since I have financially, physically and emotionally taken care of him, can I take her to small claims court to be reimburse for everything I have done. We live in illinois.


You can do nothing. It is your boyfriend who should have done something over the past two years to get custody of the child and a support order. He did nothing apparently. He should immediately do something so she does not simply take the child back. As there appears to be no court order, she has the right to do that now.

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