Monday, July 21, 2014

the relationship with my son over the course of time has deteriorated to the point now that we have not seen him or heard from him in over 2...


the relationship with my son over the course of time has deteriorated to the point now that we have not seen him or heard from him in over 2 years(he lives with mother about 20miles away in nearby town) and he has even leagally changed his name to hers after turning 18. this is in Illinois, now ex wife is taking me to court for post secondary education expenses..1/2 of all of it, seeing how he hasn't been involved in my life for over 2 years, changed his name, and I don't see reason the future will change this, I just think this outrageous. my questions are number 1> any chance this will be denied in court? 2. do I have any recourse to fight this/change the law such as an appeal etc..


Your relationship or lack thereof afford you no defense to your obligation to contribute to the cost of your child's post-secondary educational expenses. The law is clear on that point. The extent of your contribution is a question of fact...what percentage of his costs will you be responsible for. The Court has discretion in this area.

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