Monday, July 21, 2014

I received a summons for an outstanding medical bill with a total of $310.28. The summons is in 12 days.I just got a summons for a court dat...


I received a summons for an outstanding medical bill with a total of $310.28. The summons is in 12 days.

I just got a summons for a court date in 12 days. I did not get a warning this would happen... I want to know how to avoid actually having to go to court. Also what would happen if I do go to court, what are the chances the rep for the defendant will be there? Will that help me avoid paying the court fees. There are no instructions on the legal documents on how to aviod the court date.

The debt is a meidcal bill totalling $310.82 and it is 10 months old, and I really should have paid it by now, I do have the money to pay it directly to the hospital.

On an unrleated note, perhaps I should sue them for overcharing me for emergency room services.. (sorry i am kidding about that one)


Every county has a different procedure. What you think is a court date may well be a return date where you have to file your appearance. On that date you would then get a court date. IT is too late to merely pay the bill. The hospital is now entitled to be reimbursed the court costs and reasonable attorneys fees. Call the lawyers and discuss settlement with them.

Court documents would not explain how to avoid what they are demanding you do. The only way to avoid the date is to pay the bill pus costs and fees.

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