Tuesday, October 21, 2014

I employ by 1099 a divorced mother of 2 who is in constant battles with a disgruntled ex. Her commission changes regularly due to her client...


I employ by 1099 a divorced mother of 2 who is in constant battles with a disgruntled ex. Her commission changes regularly due to her client quantity and I am continually getting subpoenas for documents reflecting these changes. They are harassing me for the identity of her clients, which I have refused to provide, as "privileged". I am quite certain the ex will use the identities to pursue contacting my (her) clients directly. Am I required to provide their identity, even though I have promised to maintain discretion with my clients? Am I required to wait for the ex to damage my relationships, then pursue recourse after the fact? Just looking for some boundaries before deciding to hire an attorney myself. Thank you


If you object to complying with the supboena, his next step would be an order to compel, which you can oppose.

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