Friday, October 24, 2014

I got my 3rd dui in may 2012 ,was sentenced to one year in jail . Spent 116 in jail then put on probation for the remaining time . In july o...


I got my 3rd dui in may 2012 ,was sentenced to one year in jail . Spent 116 in jail then put on probation for the remaining time . In july of last year i lost my job due to the fact i was having to leave early 4 out of 5 days to comply with probation . Also in July my mother was put in the hospital with a life threating illness . A warrent was issued in November for probation violation ( not reporting ) in December my mother passed away . I have 8 months 19 days left on my sentence . Can the court give me anymore time and if so how much


The court can give you more time, but normally you would just serve the remainder of it sentence. If you hire an attorney, they might be able to get your probation reinstated.

Good luck

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