Wednesday, October 22, 2014

What are the chances my ex can get child support terminated? My ex is taking me to court to get child support canceled he has seen our daugh...


What are the chances my ex can get child support terminated? My ex is taking me to court to get child support canceled he has seen our daughter in two years. He is claiming he can not find a place for him and is son from another women because he can't afford it paying child support . I have custody of our daughter. Also he does not help pay anything else per our agreement. He was found guilty of contempt of court for not taking our daughter. Also he is paying less than what he should be paying. What are the chances he will get it terminated??


Child support is not payment for visitation. Visitation with a parent and child support are both rights belonging to a child. You may want to consider hiring an attorney to represent you in Court. Chances are not good that a Court will terminate his child support obligation, although he may be ordered to make a very low payment.

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