My wife and I have gone through Mediation and she would not agree with splitting time 50-50 with our 2 daughters (age 6 and 2) After her filing for divorce she took them and was allowing me to have them on weekends. Recently she has decided that she doesn't want me to have them every weekend because I wouldn't agree to her terms in mediation and told me I can have them on "my days" 3 weeks ago she told me that I have to pay for half of the dentist bill for our youngest daughter I told her to have her lawyer send me the bill and I would do so. She sent me a picture through her phone that was just her dental chart with a total of $1,600 and then it had 10% written at the bottom and the number $425 written in as well. It looked very sketchy to me I told her to just give me a copy for my records and she refused to do so. She then started informing be how much of a deadbeat I was and that the people that really care about our children will take care of it (referring to her sister and brother in law) I stopped at the dentist office and picked up a copy of the bill from them, it was only a cleaning and it was only a cleaning and it was completely free since she was under 3 years old. My soon to be ex does not know that I have the actual bill and since this has happened she will not return any of my phone calls, text messages, or emails. I just want to see my kids she is not letting me at all and I am starting to get worried that I haven't seen, talked to, or heard from them in 3 weeks. We do not have temporary orders completed yet and I can not continue going without seeing my children. She is also currently staying with her sister whom I know has a false wall in her closet where she grows Marijuana. I do not want to have my childrens' mother arrested but I am not comfortable with her raising them in that house. What can I do to be able to see my children or is having their mother arrested my only option outside of having to wait on the courts?
You will have to go to court to get temporary orders of visitation to make sure you can see your children. You do not need to pay bills from a photograph. If the children are not in a safe place - where pot is being grown is not safe - you have the right to interfere. Call the police and Child Protective Services. If you fail to intervene on behalf of your children you are being negligent and can be cited with failure to protect.
You may call for a free consultation. 801.725-0980
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