Friday, December 26, 2014

I have a case where I lost custody of my kids. I feel the judge was bias because my ex is a cop. How can you actually prove this though? My ...


I have a case where I lost custody of my kids. I feel the judge was bias because my ex is a cop. How can you actually prove this though? My lawyer agrees. The proof that I had along with the things the children told a mediator were proof, yet the judge dismissed the mediators findings and gave the father custody. I have a friend who works with foster kids, and over ten years she never heard of a judge completely dismissing what the children told a mediator. The judge also 100% lied in what he said in some of the reasons he gave for his decision including that suscept my children to smoke, which neither myself or my boyfriend do, yet the childrens step mother smokes and the judge made no reference to that. Again this is what the mediator told the judge. Also I was concerned over bullying and my sons safety at the childrens fathers house. From what the children told the mediator that there father hits them with a belt with spikes and are bullied by there step brothers. The judge said that was unfounded. My son said he does not receive his medication for severe asthma at his dads house, yet the judge said that is not the case. There are many things the judge said was "unfounded" yet the mediator interviewed the children and they told the mediator these things, and a few of the things I did not know about. What can I do? My lawyer said not to appeal because the judge would be mad. What can I do. I lost my kids for no reason other than there father is a cop. If you will look over my childrens mediation report, and then look over the judges decision I am sure you will see what I mean. Im only asking for you take 5 minutes of your time and read the court documents. Please.


You should be discussing this with your attorney.

Appealing is not about whether or not you make a judge mad. It about what the judge did or not. II is about whether the law was misapplied or not.

Something besides the father being a cop led him to this conclusion.

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